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Notice to Members and Creditors 15 May 2024

On 15 May 2024, creditors of LM Investment Management Limited (In Liquidation) (Receivers and Managers Appointed) ("LMIM") were forwarded a noptice concerning an application made by the Liquidatyor of LMIM to the Supreme Court of Queensland for the determination and fixing of the Liquidator's remuneration.

Please find below all documentation filed with respect to the application.

Notice to creditors - 15 May 2024

the orders of Kelly J made 18 April 2024

the orders of Kelly J made 3 May 2024

the application filed 17 April 2024

Affidavit of John Park (Volume A) - 18 April 2024 

Affidavit of John Park (Volume B) - 18 April 2024

Affidavit of Kelly-Anne Trenfield - 18 April 2024

Affidavit of Millicent Russell - 18 April 2024

Written outline of submissions - 20 May 2024

Amended Application - 20 May 2024

Affidavit of Kelly-Anne Trenfield - 20 May 2024

Notice to Members and Creditors 16 February 2022

On 16 February 2022, members of AIF, CPAIF, ICPAIF, and ASPF as well as creditors of LMIM were forwarded a notice concerning an application made by the Liquidators of LMIM to the Supreme Court of Queensland for the determination and fixing of their remuneration as liquidators. 

Please find below all documentation filed with respect to the application.

Notice to members - AIF

Notice to members - CPAIF

Notice to members - ICPAIF

Notice to members - ASPF

Notice to creditors 


Service Order

Affidavit of Kelly-Anne Trenfield

Affidavit of Renee Lobb

Notice to Members and Creditors 6 April 2021

On 6 April 2021, members of AIF, CPAIF, ICPAIF, and ASPF as well as creditors of LMIM were forwarded a notice concerning an application made by the Liquidators of LMIM to the Supreme Court of Queensland for the determination and fixing of their remuneration as liquidators. 

Please find below all documentation filed with respect to the application.

Notice to members - AIF

Notice to members - CPAIF

Notice to members - ICPAIF

Notice to members - ASPF

Notice to creditors 


Affidavit of Kelly-Anne Trenfield:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Affidavit of Renee Lobb

Affidavit of Renee Lobb - 28 May 2021

Affidavit of Millicent Russell

Orders 23 March 2021

Orders 1 June 2021

Notice to Members and Creditors 9 November 2018

On 9 November 2018, members of AIF, CPAIF, ICPAIF, ASPF and CPF as well as creditors of LMIM were forwarded a notice concerning an application made by the Liquidators of LMIM to the Supreme Court of Queensland for a directions hearing on 19 November 2018 concerning the future conduct for the winding up of LMIM and all managed investment schemes for which LMIM is the responsible entity.

Please find below all documentation filed with respect to the application.

Application for directions hearing filed 11 October 2018

Order of Justice Jackson dated 3 October 2018
Order of Justice Jackson dated 19 November 2018

AIF - Notice to Members 9 November 2018

ASPF - Notice to Members 9 November 2018

CPAIF - Notice to Members 9 November 2018

ICPAIF - Notice to Members 9 November 2018

CPF - Notice to Members 9 November 2018

LMIM - Notice to Creditors 9 November 2018

Affidavit of John Park sworn 12 November 2018

Affidavit Exhibit Part 1 of 4

Affidavit Exhibit Part 2 of 4

Affidavit Exhibit Part 3 of 4

Affidavit Exhibit Part 4 of 4

Affidavit of Kelly-Anne Lavina Trenfield sworn 28 November 2018

Affidavit of David Whyte sworn 16 November 2018

Affidavit of David Whyte sworn 3 December 2018

Affidavit Exhibit Part 1 of 3

Affidavit Exhibit Part 2 of 3

Affidavit Exhibit Part 3 of 3

Notice to Members and Creditors

On 26 July 2018 and 27 July 2018, members of AIF, CPAIF, ICPAIF, ASPF and CPF as well as creditors of LMIM were forwarded a notice concerning an application made by the Liquidators to the Supreme Court of Queensland for the determination and fixing of their remuneration as liquidators.

Please find below all documentation filed with respect to the application.

Application dated 17 July 2018
Order of Justice Jackson dated 18 July 2018
Affidavit of Kelly-Anne Trenfield sworn 9 August 2018
Affidavit of Kelly-Anne Trenfield sworn 5 September 2018 Part 1 of 2

Affidavit of Kelly-Anne Trenfield sworn 5 September 2018 Part 2 of 2
Affidavit of John Park sworn 7 August 2018 Part 1 of 2
Affidavit of John Park sworn 7 August 2018 Part 2 of 2
Affidavit of John Park sworn 10 August 2018
Affidavit of John Park sworn 5 September 2018
AIF - Notice to Members
ASPF - Notice to Members
CPAIF - Notice to Members
ICPAIF - Notice to Members
CPF - Notice to Members
LMIM - Notice to Creditors

Update of Registry Contact Information

As previously advised, Armstrong Registry Services confirmed that as of 29 February 2016, they were no longer able to manage the registry service for the Australian Income Fund, Cash Performance Fund, and Australian Structured Products Fund.

We have been exploring alternatives for the management of these funds and advise as follows:

  • Registry services for the CPAIF, ICPAIF and CPF will be maintained by FTI Consulting Staff.
  • Registry services for AIF and ASPF are now being managed through Advanced Share Registry. Queries with respect to holdings, transaction statements and updating details for AIF and ASPF should be directed to Advanced Share Registry, the details of which are as follows:
  • Telephone:                         +618 9389 8033
  • Fax:                                        +618 9262 3723
  • Email:                          
  • Address:                              PO Box 1156, Nedlands WA 6909

Please be advised that previous LM staff emails and the emails are no longer monitored. Updates on Fund status and likely distributions will be provided on the Liquidators’ website

Notice to Members and Creditors

On 29 January 2016, members of AIF, CPAIF, ICPAIF, ASPF and CPF as well as creditors of LMIM were forwarded a notice concerning an application made by the Liquidators to the Supreme Court of Queensland for the determination and fixing of their remuneration as liquidators.

Please find below all documentation filed with respect to the application.

Amending Orignating Application dated 16 December 2015
Sealed Order of Justice Jackson dated 17 December 2015
Affidavit of John Park sworn 28 January 2016
Exhibits to John Park's affidavit - volume 1 pages 1 to 279

Exhibits to John Park's affidavit - volume 2 pages 280 to 519
Exhibits to John Park's affidavit - volume 3 pages 520 to 610
Exhibits to John Park's affidavit - volume 3 pages 611 to 828
Exhibits to John Park's affidavit - volume 4 pages 829 to 987
Exhibits to John Park's affidavit - volume 4 pages 988 to 1102
Affidavit of John Park sworn 8 March 2016
Exhibits to John Park's Affidavit - volume 1
Exhibits to John Park's Affidavit - volume 2
AIF - Notice to Members
ASPF - Notice to Members
CPAIF - Notice to Members
ICPAIF - Notice to Members
CPF - Notice to Members
LMIM - Notice to Creditors

ASIC Extends Suspension of LMIM AFSL

On 2 April 2015 the Australian Securities and Investments Commission provided notice that under s915B(3)(b) of the Corporations Act 2001, the Australian Financial Services Licence of LM Investment Management Limited would be suspended until 2 April 2017. On 31 March 2017, ASIC provided a further extension to the suspension of 18 months.

FTI Consulting Appointed Liquidators of LM Investment Management Ltd

John Park and Ginette Muller were appointed Voluntary Administrators of LM Investment Management Ltd (LMIM) on 19 March 2013. At a meeting of creditors held on 1 August 2013 creditors resolved that LM Investment Management Limited be placed into Liquidations and that the Adminisrators, John Park and Ginette Muller of FTI Consulting be appointed the Liquidators to wind up the Company.

Should unit holders require further information please complete the enquiry section on the contacts page.

Should you wish to report a complaint to ASIC regarding your investment, please contact ASIC on 1300 300 630 or go to

Fund Updates

For updates on the Australian Structured Products Fund ("ASPF"), Cash Performance Fund ("CPF"), Currency Protected Australian Income Fund("CPAIF") and Institutional Currency Protected Australian Income Fund ("ICPAIF"), please refer to the relevant tabs on this website.


Should your enquiry be related to the First Mortgage Income Fund ("FMIF") please contact BDO Australia using the below details:

Postal: BDO, GPO Box 457, Brisbane QLD 4001
Phone: +61 7 3237 5999
Fax: +61 7 3221 9227


Should your enquiry be related to the Managed Performance Fund, please contact KordaMentha using the below details:

Phone: +61 7 3338 0286
Website: go to Creditor Information section and click the link for LM Managed Performance Fund.

Contact Us

GPO Box 3127

Brisbane, Qld, 4001

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